Wednesday May 06, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #8
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
WEEK 8!!! I can't believe it. But we are surviving. You are surviving. We are all doing our best.
Tonight on the show we had so many special people call in.
Our special guest for the evening were
Machiko Ozawa on violin. She was amazing.
Kristina McFadden for our 5 Questions segment.
Marcelo Gutierrez called in again and we had some great conversations.
So many wonderful people joined in from all around the world.
Thank you all so much.
During this difficult time we are asking for donations to help support us and the show. If you can help we would appreciate it very much. You can send contributions to:
adamandciko@gmail.com via
Venmo or PayPal
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #7
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
We had a great show tonight with some really interesting guests.
Oliver Kolker joined us with some funny stories to begin the show.
Pablo Estigarribia played LIVE music for us.
Guillermo Cerneaz joined us for 5... 0000 Questions. hhhahah
And Isabella stumped some of us in Tango Confessions.
The conversations were interesting and fun. Towards the end we discussed a lot about the tango history of the 2000's and late 90's and our experiences living through them. I hope you enjoy the show.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Tango Uncorked #23 - Oskar Zorilla - Economics is the science of choice
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
This week we sit down with our good friend Dr. Oskar Zorilla. He is a PhD of economics and also loves running around without a shirt at your favorite Milongas.
Recently he has moved to Annapolis where he is a professor at the Naval Academy and his stories of that experience are very interesting. I hope you enjoy getting to know him more.
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #6
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
We had another fun show tonight. Wednesday April 22nd 2020.
Jack Hanley co-hosted with us and brought is exuberant and amazing energy. He is hunkered down in south Jersey but that didn't stop him from bringing the party.
Tioma Maloratsky joined us for, 5 Questions, and his amazing partner Gayle Madera also popped in to say hello.
Edd Ay stumped us in, Tango Confessions...
And Sergio Reyes played violin for us and told us some stories about how the music he picked related to his story and past.
We were briefly interrupted when the podbean website went down but recovered shortly after.
Don't forget, if you can help, please donate to help support tango cafe during this extremest difficult time.
You can send any help to:
adamandciko@gmail.com via
PayPal or Venmo
Thanks everyone
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #5
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Tonight on the show we had Pacha Mendes play some amazing bass for us. He is in the group, El Cachivache, and typically plays double bass with them when they are performing but he went back to his roots a bit for us and pulled out his electric bass even playing one of his own compositions.
Marcelo Gutierrez joined us for, 5 Questions, and we got to learn more about his philosophy of tango, and dance in general. How he got started dancing and some silly stories as well.
Finally Craig Herrington came to us from Cleveland Ohio and played Tango Confessions.
It was great to connect with everyone and hear your voices. Thank you for joining us and looking forward to another show next week.
If you are able to donate to help support the show and Tango Cafe during this difficult time please send any support to
adamandciko@gmail.com via
Venmo or Paypal
Thank you everyone.
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout#4
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
This week we had Emiliano Messiez play some really powerful music for us! Wow what a treat. (00:35:00)
Batt Johnson reads for us. (01:19:00)
Some crazy stories from Michael Ricciardi and others.
5 Questions segment with special guest Nick Jones from Denver CO. (01:27:00)
Tango Confessions with Mary Carmel Etienne. (02:12:00)
And so much more. Enjoy the show. It was a lot of fun.
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #3
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Another amazing week with so many great guests and callers.
Meredith and Andres of the Philadelphia Tango School were our featured artists and we had them on our segment, 5 QUESTIONS. 01:06:00
We asked them 5 questions and one of which we were all a part of.
Tommy Mastrangelo called in for another new segment
We also had Eran Polat play for us at 00:30:00 and it was really special. Make sure to check it out.
and we talked about all of our amazing road trips together.
Many fun stories and guest callers from all over. It's not the same as a real milonga but it'll do for now.
Thank you all for listening, calling and being a part of this while we are all apart. We will continue to bring you great shows to keep us connected socially as we learn and talk about Tango as it has so many layers.
Tango Cafe takeout is a donation based show. If you would like to help you can send any contributions here.
Via Venmo or PayPal.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tango Uncorked #22 - Jackie Clark - Life is art
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
This week I sit down with Jackie Clark. Jackie has been a part of the NYC community since the very beginning. She talks with us about her life as an artist and the early days of what tango was like in New York City.
She and I share a lot of similar stories and we had a great time chatting. Enjoy!
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Tango Cafe takeout #2
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
We had another amazing live show with people calling in from all over.
Montreal, San Francisco, Rochester, Cleveland, Halifax, New Jersey, Buenos Aires, Portland ME, Rosario, and many more.
What great energy. Thank you all so much.
We had Guests Alberto and Micaela from the Cleveland Tango school.
Stratos and Javier from NYC played amazing music for us.
Check out their newest release here:
Batt Johnson read from his new book.
Oskar Zorrilla started us off with a very tantalizing story that our guests took to really interesting and dark places.
Just another night at Tango Cafe.
Hope you enjoy the show.
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Tango Uncorked #21 - Adrian Minkowicz - The Argentinean Comedian
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
This week I have the pleasure of sitting down and chatting with Adrian Minkowicz who is a stand up comic. He is currently based out of Norway but spends a lot of time here in New York City in the stand up circuit. He also dances tango ok too.
He is extremely funny and observant and it was a lot of fun to sit and chat with him. Enjoy.